Research & Projects

We are currently working on various projects that are listed underneath and that may be interest to you. If you find yourself capable on working in these or similar projects please get in touch with us. 

Project 1:

Sustainability in the UK through disruptive innovation:

This project deals with Hemp Air™, the world’s first pollution-absorbing paint, specifically designed to tackle urban air pollution in cities like London. In parallel, we aim to eliminate plastic waste with hemp-based biodegradable packaging. Leveraging industrial hemp, a crop with extraordinary carbon-sequestering properties, These products actively clean the air, reduce waste, and rebuild urban ecosystems. By integrating AI and IoT into our manufacturing and application processes, we will ensure maximum efficiency and scalability. Our mission is not just to create products but to create a future where cities actively fight pollution through their own infrastructure.

If you think you can work on such projects you can certainly contact us and show your interest.